
How To Get The Best Wedding Invitations With Photos For Your Wedding

Congratulations, you’re getting married! It’s a really exciting time in your life, and as much as that is true., a lot of the tasks can be daunting as well. I remember choosing between different types of cake in the run-up to my wedding: never before had I had such a daunting cake-based experience.

The one other experience which sticks out in my mind as being both bizarre, and much more taxing than I expected, was the process of designing and making our wedding invitations.

My fiancee and I made our way down to the little store that we’d heard good things about. We were introduced to a salesperson and then shown to a small table in the back. It was cramped, and we had to make a seemingly endless list of decisions about the specific font that we wanted our names to be written in, or how we’d like our photo to be framed on the invitation to make it pop. We spent five minutes of our time there changing our minds between two fonts that, when I look back, seem to be perfectly identical.

Luckily, there’s now a much better way!

I stumbled across the website a little while ago when I wanted to send my mum a card for Mother’s Day, and I saw in their list of options that you could configure wedding invitations with photos. Out of curiosity, I took a look at that section of their site, only to discover a much better solution than the one my wife and I were subjected to way back when.

The number one thing that I noticed was how easy this site made it designing your own wedding invites. You simply picked an ideal template for what you were looking for, added the text and photos that you might want, and there you go! What’s not to love? That’s definitely a lot easier than how I had to do it before. I remember flicking through an enormous folder full of different font choices, and not really being sure what the difference was between most of them.

It has to be said, getting your wedding invitations made through Mixbook is a lot more convenient, as well. You could sit down to breakfast with your soon-to-be-spouse, and design your wedding invitations together over eggs. It would be very hard to overstate how much this convenience is worth. You’ll save time, money, and stress by being able to design your own wedding invitations from the comfort of your own home.

Plus, Mixbook offers unparalleled customer service. So many websites and services nowadays are very quick to offer a brilliant service, but then not back it up with a world-class customer support team. The pioneers of leading with a strong customer support team were Squarespace, and since they’ve achieved such excellent results, many other companies have been using similar business practices. It’s good to see so many companies the world over using these customer-oriented techniques to get people through the door, as it were.

To sum up: you should definitely check out Mixbook. There no way that using their site, even just to take a look, won’t be better than the alternative of finding yourself in a back room, hoping that you’ll be able to design a perfect invitation by choosing between a dozen identical options. Make sure to take a look at Mixbook, I’ve been really impressed by what they offer, and I’m sure you will be too.

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