
Things to Consider When Choosing Contraception

Even though there are plenty of contraception options, they are not all the same. They are all appropriate for different people. Your OBGYN in Trinity may help you find the most suitable option. The following are a few important tips to keep in mind when trying to find the right contraception.

  1.     Effectiveness

Some contraception types are more effective than others. Effectiveness is calculated based on the number of women out of 100 that get pregnant in a year using the method. If, for example, the contraception is said to be 95% effective, 5 out of 100 got pregnant using it in a year if used correctly.

  1.     Understand the Risks

Your health history may pose certain risks when using different contraception methods. Be honest with your gynecologist, and they will help you make a good decision. For example, estrogen birth control options are not appropriate for women with high blood pressure or estrogen-sensitive cancer. Other conditions that may increase your risk when using certain contraception methods include heart disease, severe diabetes, and stroke.

If you are a woman over the age of 35 and smoke regularly, you should avoid contraception methods that contain estrogen.

  1.     Be Realistic

Be honest with yourself when trying to find the appropriate contraception. Being realistic ensures that you pick the best option. Think about your lifecycle. Can you remember to take oral pills every day? Are you uncomfortable with the thought of missing your periods? Do you expect to get pregnant soon? Answering these questions will help you realize that some types of contraception aren’t right for you.

  1.     Know the Positive Side Effects

All types of contraception have their unique benefits. Understand all of them before making a decision. The effects of hormonal contraceptives are not just sexual. They include controlling acne and easing menstrual pain.

  1.     Know the Negative Side Effects

Even though the side effects of most contraception methods are minimal, some of them may be extreme. Negative side effects of hormonal birth control options include weight gain, irritability, heavy periods, and mood changes, and reduced libido. Non-hormonal IUD, for example, may cause heavier periods and cramps.

  1.     Experiment

Even when you invest a lot of effort in research, you can never be completely sure that it will be your best option. It is okay to experiment with a few options before making a decision. If you experience any negative side effects, you can switch to a different option. Even though your side effects are not always directly related to the birth control method you choose, you should not ignore them.

If you are unsure of the right contraception method for your needs, speak to your gynecologist, and they will work with you to make the right choice. With so many contraception options in the market, it is easy to be overwhelmed. Whether you prefer the pill, IUD, patch, or injection, it is wise to have all the relevant information first, working with the right gynecologist could make the process much smoother.

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