
Importance of a Clear Job Description When Advertising a Role

As a company looking to recruit there are a few different phases and processes that you have to go through before finding the right candidate to fill a role. Before you get to that first day of a new person starting work for your company, think about all the way back when you were first considering creating the job vacancy and job advert? This could be the most crucial step in the entire process, and that is why you should always look to use the services of a specialist recruitment agency, as they will have the experience of helping you write the perfect job advert and getting it out to the right type of candidates.

A well written job description provides a candidate with a written statement that outlines clear responsibilities and duties for a vacant job role. It should clearly state the required (or desired) qualifications that a candidate must possess, as well as clearly state the location in the chain of command and who that individual is responsible for and reports to within the organisation. For many people within a company it can be difficult and even boring to write a job description when first attempting to fill an empty role, but without an accurate job description you could face many problems further down the line.

You should start by breaking down a job description into the following sections:

A Clear Job Title This should be accurate and clearly reflect what the nature of the job role is, including how it ranks compared with other job roles in the company. Bear in mind though that your recruitment agency will require this to be generic enough to sit easily alongside similar vacant job roles within your industry.

Specific Duties This section should outline what duties a candidate would be expected to undertake on a daily basis, as well as their specific personal responsibilities. This section should be brief, as more ground can be covered during the interview process.

Qualifications and Skills This section needs to include the skills and qualifications that are both required and desired for the specific role, alongside any traits that make for a good candidate in this role.

Organisational Relationships By stating where this role sits within the organisation demonstrates the future career opportunities for those who get the job and wish to work up the ladder within the business and where they would currently sit.

Salary Usually this section will show a salary range that is competitive within the current market and allows for negotiation on both sides depending on experience and qualifications.

A good recruitment agency understands how to put together the perfect job advert. They understand your company and your industry and can write a job advert that is clear, concise, attractive to potential candidates and is written in such a way that it is more likely to be discovered by those looking for a job. Why risk putting anything to chance when you are looking to fill a vacant role in your company? With the assistance of a professional recruitment agency you can have the perfect job advert out there in the world, and the right candidates will soon be applying for interviews with you.

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