
The Uses, Benefits, and Procedures for Installing Dental Veneers

A healthy set of teeth makes you attractive and boosts your self-confidence. You have no reason to hide your smile if your dental outlook is right. People who smile a lot are tagged as friendly and easy to interact with. Unfortunately, crooked, chipped, and discolored teeth may make you shy away from exposing your teeth and sharing your smile with loved ones. Thanks to modern dentistry, your Washington, West End Dental specialist can now fix these dental problems using dental veneers to improve your overall appearance.

What Are Dental Veneers?

These are coverings made from porcelain or composite resin, used to fix dental imperfections such as severe tooth discoloration, spaces, or gaps between your teeth.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Veneers?

While veneers are suitable for a majority of people, certain factors may hinder you from getting veneers. Before proceeding with the fabrication of veneers, your dentist needs to ensure that:

  • Your gums and teeth are healthy. If you have periodontitis, you may need treatment to improve your well-being before getting veneers.
  • You have enough enamel on your tooth since, during the procedure for installing veneers, your dentist will scrape off small amounts of enamel from your tooth’s surface to make room for the cap.
  • You do not clench or grind your teeth while sleeping since this may chip the veneers.
  • You can avoid biting your nails or gnawing on pens, as these are damaging habits for dental veneers.
  • Your teeth are straight or slightly crooked as severe misalignment may exert a lot of pressure on veneers and cause cracking. In such cases, your dentist may recommend orthodontic treatment, such as wearing braces to align your teeth before you can have the shells.

The Process for Getting Dental Veneers

Your dentist will examine your teeth and oral health history at your initial consultation to ensure tooth coverings are efficient for you. Your specialist will also take digital x-ray images, which facilitate the making of your veneers.

Your dentist will obtain small amounts of enamel from your teeth to make a mold of your teeth. The impression is then sent to the lab to create your permanent veneers. This may take one to two weeks.

As you wait for the permanent coverings, your dentist may send you home with temporary veneers.

When your veneers are ready, you will make another appointment to have them fixed. During installation, your dentist will first clean your tooth’s surface to get rid of dirt and germs that may get trapped beneath the veneers.

Your doctor will etch your tooth to create a rough surface for bonding. To attach the coverings, your specialist will apply dental cement on the veneer and carefully stick it to your tooth. A special beam of light is used to dry the adhesive and which facilitates stronger bonding.

Your specialist may then scrape off any excess cement and polish your teeth’ surface for a neat finish.

How Do You Care for Your Veneers?

  • Cut on caffeine products and red wine, as these may stain your veneers and cause a mismatch between your coverings and natural teeth.
  • Do not chew hard foods like candy as they may break or chip your veneers.

If you have further questions on the cost and longevity of veneers, schedule a session with your dentist at West End Dental to learn more.

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