
Are You a Victim of Gum Disease?

Oral health problems are becoming more intense by affecting people across the board. Statistics have it that 40 out of 100 people visiting a hospital have dental conditions. Gum disease is an alarming condition that has affected both children and adults. If you are looking forward to having a healthy dental set, Juan M. Carrillo, DMD, offers treatment for gum disease in Richmond. Please ensure that you visit or book an appointment to formulate your treatment plan. The following is an overview of dental treatment that you need to learn.

What Is Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is the swelling of the gum because of plaque building up, which attracts bacteria. When left untreated, it develops into a more severe infection known as periodontitis. Gingivitis and periodontitis are significant causes of tooth loss in adults.

What Causes Gingivitis and Periodontitis?

When you do not maintain proper oral hygiene, food and plaque form on the small spaces on your gums called a sulcus. This long piling causes gum infections. A plaque forms tartar which causes infection when it advances below the gum line. When the gum infection is not checked in time, it causes the gum to detach from the teeth, which can cause infection to the jawbone that holds the teeth.

Risk Factors for Gingivitis and Periodontitis

The following are risks associated with gingivitis and periodontitis:

  • Smoking or chewing tobacco.
  • Diabetes.
  • Dental appliances that fit poorly.
  • Broken fillings.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Genetic factors.
  • Compromised immunity such as with HIV/AIDS.

What Are the Symptoms of Gingivitis and Periodontitis?

The symptoms do not appear during the early stages, and many people do not realize they have gum disease. However, the following are some symptoms of gum disease:

  • Gums that are red, tender, or swollen.
  • Sensitive teeth.
  • Partial dentures that no longer fit.
  • Bad breath remains even after brushing.
  • Loose teeth.
  • Pus between teeth and gums.
  • Bleeding gum after brushing or when you floss your teeth.
  • Detached gums.
  • Pain when chewing.

How Is Gum Disease Diagnosed?

Your doctor will conduct an oral examination on your gum to check the presence of inflammation. The doctor can also order an X-ray to examine the condition of your jawbone.

How Is Gum Disease Treated?

There are various ways to treat gum disease, including:

  • Maintaining proper oral hygiene.
  • Cut back on any smoking.
  • Manage your diabetes.
  • Deep cleaning your teeth.
  • Antibiotic medications.
  • Surgery.

Cleaning Teeth

Various methods are used to clean your teeth without surgery. They help get rid of the plaque and tartar.

  • Through Scaling to remove tartar from the gum line.
  • Using Mouthwash to disinfect the mouth.
  • Oral antibiotics can be administered to treat areas of the gum experiencing inflammation.
  • Use of antibiotics to prevent tooth damage.

How Can Gum Disease be Prevented?

You can prevent gum disease through:

  • Visiting the dentist regularly.
  • Brushing with fluoride toothpaste every day.
  • Flossing your teeth every day.
  • Eating a balanced diet is essential to achieving and maintaining good dental health.

Build your confidence, improve your smile, and restore your natural teeth in good condition by seeking treatment for gum disease. Call or book an online appointment to schedule your consultation.

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