
Personal IPv4 proxies: where and why

Personal IPv4 proxies mean freedom and great opportunities on the Internet, as well as security! Tired of various restrictions from government agencies or according to the rules of various network services? It couldn’t be easier: we choose security and anonymity with quality proxies!

Today I want to tell you about the excellent service, where I buy myself and advise my friends. Here are the reasons why I chose them:

  • Quick and easy online purchase without unnecessary “dancing with a tambourine” and support calls. Paid – received – connected!
  • The servers are really personal, the speed up to 1 Gbps is real, and not fictitious with a breakdown into a bunch of other downloading and distributing, as is often the case in many other services.
  • At the time of this writing, there are 400 IP subnets in 12 countries and they are constantly increasing their offer.
  • Excellent 24/7 support, no holidays or weekends. I will dwell on this in more detail…

As the well-known proverb says: “And there is a hole in the old woman”, paraphrasing I can say “And for an experienced system administrator there will be a problem in the network that he cannot solve himself.” So I got caught when I could not configure a normal proxy on one computer, someone had already “conjured” up to me and ruined everything, I could not find the reason. The support in the Proxy-Seller helped very quickly. The guys connected via Teamviewer, so as not to waste a lot of time on explanations on my part, and I really had little time, and set up the network as needed. At the same moment, the Internet started working on the problem computer with the exit from Sweden, which we needed from the very beginning.

At the moment, we are perfectly using these proxy servers for the following purposes:

  • For parsing keywords in Yahoo for Direct and SEO.
  • For the operation of various software in Windows. In particular, the same Parsehub and different browsers.
  • Our SMM-box constantly switches proxies by country in order to promote groups and pages on social networks.
  • Well, in general, for safety during normal surfing the Internet and downloading files.

As you can see, I am not a theoretician, but a very experienced practitioner, and I can safely recommend the above service for buying an individual personal proxy. By the way, with their help, my neighbor built a whole bot farm for some online game right in his kitchen. He says his clan wins everyone!

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