
4 Top Signs and Symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury

Perhaps the last thing you remember was a loud bang as your car rammed into the truck’s back. You can sustain different injuries in the accident. Traumatic brain injury is one of the severe injuries you can develop in an unfortunate event. As a Marlboro township resident, a qualified traumatic brain injury specialist is instrumental in your recovery. You can receive high-quality treatment for traumatic brain injury in Marlboro Township.

  1.     What Is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when you sustain an injury due to a high-impact blow or object penetration to your head. You can sustain such an injury in an automobile accident, explosion, or even a fall. Therefore, you develop cognitive and physical impairments as a result of the mechanical exertion to your brain.

However, the good news is that there are several possible symptoms you can watch out for following your accident.

  1.     Physical Functional Impairment

When you sustain a TBI, the impact limits your body functions. As a result, you may tend to experience difficulties in controlling your bowel and bladder movements. Another common sign is the loss of body coordination, thus, affecting your balance and stability.

Additionally, you may tend to experience paralysis when your muscles lose strength. Experiencing nausea and vomiting is also a common predicament synonymous with the injury. In some instances, you may also experience extreme fatigue, even with minimal physical activities.

  1.     Sensory Processing Difficulties

If you are having trouble seeing clearly after a blow to your head, consult with your doctor. You tend to have a blurry vision, misinterpreting the size, shape, colors, and even distance. Furthermore, you may also become extremely sensitive to light. Losing your sense of taste and smell is also a symptom to take caution of.

  1.     Loss of Cognitive Function Control

The cognitive function of your brain is to monitor and control different mental tasks. When you have trouble gaining control of your mind after your accident, it is time to consult your doctor. For instance, you may have difficulties following a task carefully until completion, which you could previously do effortlessly.

Additionally, you may have attention deficit disorder and challenges in switching to other tasks seamlessly. You may also have trouble interpreting spoken words, even with a language most familiar to you. Furthermore, you may continuously lose your sense of awareness and ability to remember your schedule.

  1.     Language Development Challenges

Perhaps you have been a great speaker all along. However, after the accident, you have difficulties in initiating and even maintaining a conversation. That is a sign to watch out for and inform your doctor of. Additionally, you may have trouble limiting inappropriate language and even behavior in front of people.

Your speech may also become incoherent. Furthermore, arranging your thoughts and ideas to put them down through writing can also become an uphill task for you after the impact of the accident.

If you notice any of the above signs and symptoms, always consult with your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, take note that going for extended periods without TBI treatment is detrimental to your health.

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