
5 Tips to Help You Discover Gum Disease

Gum disease is not uncommon among Americans, and it would not be unusual to be concerned about it. Louis A. Russel, Jr., DDS, a Tomball gum disease specialist, can help you get over your concerns by evaluating your symptoms and medical history. Note that it is crucial to detect gum disease in its early stages to manage it before it causes other severe complications and improves the effectiveness of the treatment. The subsequent tips can aid you in recognizing the complication and make wise decisions to seek help. Check them out.

Enlighten Yourself About the Causes

Understanding the cause of gum disease can help you get the red flags when the condition is developing and help you avoid it as well. In most cases, the deposition of plaque in your teeth is the beginning of possible gum disease. The plaque serves as a medium for harmful bacteria to thrive and reproduce, releasing acids that destroy your tooth enamel and affect the gums. Therefore, if you notice plaque formation around your mouth, please take the necessary measures to remove it to minimize your chances of gum disease.

Learn the Different Types of Gum Disease

Although the name might suggest that gum disease affects gums, it can also affect the teeth causing decay or loosening. Also, the condition develops in different stages, and understanding every stage can help you detect it when it occurs. It develops as gingivitis and advances to periodontitis. The advanced stage is more severe and can lead to serious complications to the jawbones requiring advanced treatment. But when caught in the early stage, the symptoms are usually mild and can be effectively managed through less advanced treatments.

Check for Blood When Brushing or Flossing

Bleeding gum is one of the primary signs of periodontal disease, and you should never ignore it. Therefore, pay attention while brushing and flossing your teeth to avoid blood and report immediately to your dentist. Note that you might not feel pain when bleeding, and this causes many people to delay treatment. But do not make a mistake; please seek treatment soon to avoid more severe complications.

Examine Your Gums

It is good not to hurry to brush or floss your teeth, and you are off to other things. Spending some time examining your gums can help you notice some abnormalities which can indicate gum disease. Although you might feel some abnormalities, such as swelling, you will have to look for purple or red gums. Remember that healthy gum should be pale pink, and a color change could mean something is wrong. If you notice that your gums bulge around your teeth, it can also be a sign of gum disease. Additionally, you might observe some teeth roots exposed, which could mean a periodontist is present.

Notice Pain

Pain in your jaw, gum, or teeth can be a sign of gum disease. However, this is not common in the early stage of the disease, which might mean your condition is advanced. You may also experience increased sensitivity to different temperatures or feel changes in your bite. Your tooth might be loose, and all this indicates a possibility of periodontitis.

If you are concerned about the likelihood of developing gum disease, reach out to Russell Family Dentistry for help. Dr. Russel will diagnose your condition and help you understand the causes and most common symptoms to watch out for.

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