
Which Foods Are Healthy For Your Kidney?

Kidneys serve an essential function in our body such that we cannot survive without at least one. Therefore, it is best to take care of it, especially if you have already developed a kidney condition. If you have bad kidneys, there is a diet you should stay away from to prevent further damage. Untreated kidney disease could cause high blood pressure or uncontrolled diabetes. Book an appointment today with a kidney diet memorial Hermann Cypress specialist to learn more about taking care of your kidneys and seek treatment. Here is what you have to know about kidney-friendly foods:

Why should you have an eating plan?

Every condition has a diet that helps manage it. For example, people with blood pressure are advised to maintain a healthy weight and adopt a diet that is low on fat and salt. Consequently, you are advised to watch what you drink and eat to avoid aggravating the symptoms of diabetes. Likewise, there is a specific diet you should follow to prevent further damage to your kidneys.

What do you consider in a diet?

There are always the key things you need to track to know whether you are eating healthy in every meal plan. These are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. You need to eat and drink specific portions to ensure you are getting the right amount of the nutrients. You can use the nutrition facts label to pick foods that have the amounts you want and avoid those that exceed the limit.

Which nutrients are unhealthy for kidneys?

The doctor will have varying diet restrictions in different patients, depending on their kidney conditions. Those in the early stages will not have the same instructions as people with end-stage renal disease. The right kidney diet is that which will lower the amount of waste that goes into the blood. A kidney diet will prevent further damage to the kidney and preserve its health.

Doctors will want you to keep away from the following nutrients:

  • Sodium: Foods rich in sodium are not good for people with damaged kidneys. Therefore, experts recommend that such people should limit sodium intake to 2000 mg or less per day. Unfiltered sodium will cause the amounts in your blood to rise, which is unhealthy. Such foods include fast foods, processed cheese, salted nuts, and other canned foods.
  • Potassium: Although potassium is essential in your body, the doctor will want you to limit foods high in potassium if you have kidney disease. High levels of potassium in the blood are unhealthy. As for sodium, limit the intake to 2000 mg or less per day. Such foods include watermelon, avocado, peas, and chocolate.
  • Phosphorous: People living with kidney diseases cannot filter excess phosphorus. Therefore, doctors recommend that they maintain a daily intake of 1000mg or less per day. Foods high in phosphorus include milk, ice cream, cheese, and beans.

Instead, people with kidney diseases should eat foods like cauliflower, blueberries, sea bass, and red grapes that are low on potassium, sodium, and phosphorus. Everyone has a different nutrient need, depending on their condition. It is essential that you speak to a renal dietitian for a customized eating plan. Schedule a consultation today with experts at Houston Kidney Specialists Center.

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